Described and divided into Rapes with the situation of the Chichester the cheife citie thereof. And the armes of such Nobles as have bene dignified with the title of Earles since the conquest and other accidents therein observed. Described by Iohn Norden. Augmented by Iohn Speede
And are to be sold by Roger Rea the Elder and younger at the Golden Crosse in Cornhill against the Exchange,
Double-page engraved map, fine contemporary outline hand colour, upper left and right margins skilfully repaired.
410 by 550mm. (16.25 by 21.75 inches).
The map bears the imprint of Roger Rea the Elder and Younger. The Reas had purchased the rights to Speed's work from William Garrett in 1659, who had previously purchased them from the widow of William Humble in the same year. Skelton suggests that the father and son intended a new edition of the atlas for the Restoration of 1660. However, the atlas would appear not to have been published until 1665. This is borne out by an advertisement in the Term Catalogue by the subsequ...