The River Colne
A map of Colne
with all its branches and Mills, and the particular Place whence the Navigation is to be taken. From Forde, 'A design for bringing a navigable river from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire to St. Giles's in the Fields; the benefits of it declared, and the objections answered.... With an answer to the whole, printed in the same year, and both reprinted, 1720'
SKU: 11338
British Isles English Counties
Tags: Colne River Navigation, Harrow on the Hill, Isleworth, London, River Colne, River Thames, Staines, water supply
Type: Rare Maps
FORDE, Edward
Edward Forde,
Engraved map.
To scale:
A simple sketch map of the Colne River, extending southwards to the 'R. Thames' at 'Stanes' and 'Thistleworth' (Isleworth) and eastwards to Harrow on the Hill.
It is a close copy, the spellings modernized and lightly corrected, of a map in Sir Edward Forde's 'A Desinge for bringing a navigable river from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire, to St. Gyles in the Fields... (London, 1641), reprinted in 1720 as 'A design for bringing a navigable river from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire to St. Giles's in the Fields'; the benefits of it declared, and the objections answered.... With an answer to the whole, printed in the same year, and both reprinted, 1720, from which this map is thought to originate. ESTC calls for a map in this book, but the BL copy lacks the map, although an exemplar is found separately in the Map Library.
It is a close copy, the spellings modernized and lightly corrected, of a map in Sir Edward Forde's 'A Desinge for bringing a navigable river from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire, to St. Gyles in the Fields... (London, 1641), reprinted in 1720 as 'A design for bringing a navigable river from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire to St. Giles's in the Fields'; the benefits of it declared, and the objections answered.... With an answer to the whole, printed in the same year, and both reprinted, 1720, from which this map is thought to originate. ESTC calls for a map in this book, but the BL copy lacks the map, although an exemplar is found separately in the Map Library.
ESTC T116410 recording eight institutional locations only (three in the Bodleian, four lacking the map); BL, Maps *1240.(55.): the map separate.
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