Anti-Semitic Propaganda Poster from the Second World War


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Le Partage du Monde en trois zones d'influence juive

tel qu'il a ete arrete dans les accords secrets de Washington.

S. Dompol,
Double-sided chromolithograph poster.

To scale:


Likely published in 1941, the present poster embodies the anti-Semitism of Nazi-occupied France.

To the recto, the poster promotes a conspiracy theory involving Britain, the United States, and the U.S.S.R., making allusions to "Secret Washington Agreements" of which no record can be found today. The world map is displayed in three colours: orange in the Americas and Oceanea, blue in Africa, south Asia, Greenland, Iceland and the British Isles, and red across Russia and Europe. It is rather unclear why these countries and areas are grouped together in this way.

The sections are respectively labelled "Empire Juif d'Amérique", "Empire Juif d'Angleterre" and "Empire Juif de Russie". The Star of David is emblazoned on each, the American containing a dollar symbol, the English displaying the Freemason Square and Compass, and the Russian presenting the Hammer and Sickle of the USSR.

To the verso, the poster displays the following argument in French:

3 hommes se partageront-ils le monde ? STALINE ROOSEVELT CHURCHILL [Will 3 men share the world? STALIN ROOSEVELT CHURCHILL]

Ecoutez-les : [Listen to them]

Le juif Louis ADAMIC, grand ami de Mr. et Mrs. ROOSEVELT, intime des coulisses de la Maison-Blanche, vient de publier à New-York, un ouvrage «Le voyage circulaire». [The Jew Louis ADAMIC, a great friend of Mr. and Mrs. ROOSEVELT, intimate behind the scenes of the White House, has just published in New York, a book "[presumably The Two-Way Passage]".]

Il y est dit: «Les juifs qui ont dû quitter l'Europe doivent être éduqués dans de vastes cours scolaires aux frais du gouvernement des Etats-Unis pour devenir des propagandistes mondiaux et ensuite être placés après la victoire de l'Amérique aux postes dirigeants des Etats Européens ». [It says: "The Jews who had to leave Europe must be educated in extensive schoolyards at the expense of the United States government to become world propagandists and then be placed after America's victory in leadership positions of European States".]

«Nous exterminerons les Européens, mais nous ferons règner les juifs», déclare ROOSEVELT à ses conseillers de la Haute Banque: les Shiff, Warburg, Gugenheim, Hanacer, Seligmann, Oppenheimer et autres Kahn !... ["We will exterminate the Europeans, but we will make the Jews reign", declares ROOSEVELT to his advisers from the High Bank: the Shiffs, Warburgs, Gugenheim, Hanacer, Seligmann, Oppenheimer and other Kahns!...]

«Nous avons abandonné l'Egypte et la Birmanie, mais nous avons volé la Syrie et bombardé Paris, ricane CHURCHILL devant les amis de la City juive: les Rothschild, Sassoon, Lyons, Samuel, Hore Belisha, Suserman, etc... ["We abandoned Egypt and Burma, but we robbed Syria and bombed Paris, chuckles CHURCHILL in front of the friends from the Jewish City [of London]: the Rothschilds, Sassoon, Lyons, Samuel, Hore Belisha, Suserman, etc...]

«Riez, riez bien, les amis, mais rira bien qui rira le derniers s'écrie STALINE au milieu de son équipe de Lazarus, Mosesohn, Mechlis, Weinstein, Schapiro - sans oublier Kaganovitsch, le beau-père ! ["Laugh, laugh well, friends, but will laugh well who will laugh the last cries STALIN in the middle of his team of Lazarus, Mosesohn, Mechlis, Weinstein, Schapiro - without forgetting Kaganovitsch, the father-in-law.]

Une seule tête : Le Juif. [Only one head: The Jew.]
Une seule bourse: La finance juive. [Only one financer: Jewish finance]
Un seul intérêt : Celui d'Israël. [Only one interest: that of Israel]

Un seul dindon: l'Aryen, sans distinction de nationalités [Only one turkey: the Aryan, regardless of nationality]
Effacer sur la surface de la terre toutes les frontières nationales, saccager les richesses accumulées, soumettre la production ruinée à un partage de rapace, faire des ouvriers de tous les pays des esclaves inté graux, outrager tous les sanctuaires de l'esprit. [To erase all national borders from the face of the earth, to sack accumulated wealth, to subject ruined production to a rapturous sharing, to make the workers of all countries integral slaves, to outrage all the sanctuaries of the spirit.]

Voilà comment STALINE - ROOSEVELT-CHURCHILL, entendent partager le monde... pour la plus grande gloire d'Israël! [This is how STALIN-ROOSEVELT-CHURCHILL, intend to share the world... for the greater glory of Israel!]

Est-ce bien cela que vous voulez? [Is this what you want?]