在此浏览关于航海与大发现的稀有书籍与初版资料,包括哥伦布 (Columbus)、库克 (Cook)、达尔文 (Darwin)、德雷克 (Drake)、克鲁森施滕 (Krusenstern)、拉彼鲁兹 (La Perouse)、斯科特 (Scott) 和温哥华 (Vancouver) 等探险家的著作。
(70 结果)
The Grand Tour in eighteenth century virtual reality!
[Publishers BASSET, André Basset, DAUMONT, Jean-Francois, HUQUIER, Jacques-Gabriel Huquier, MAILLET, Nicolas Langlois, MONDARE, Louis Joseph Mondhare, and others].
Michele Marieschi’s suite of views of Venice from the library of Louis XV
“You uprooted a vine from Egypt; You drove out nations and planted it” (Psalms 80)
SIMONIS, Johannes
Hollar’s first catalogue raisonné
[HOLLAR] VERTUE, George (ed.).
Manuscript inventory for an important Spanish cartographical library
DE AGUIRRE, Domingo; and others
D’Anville’s maps of China
D'ANVILLE, [Jean Baptiste Bourguignon]
Index to Rouge’s Mitchell Map
LE ROUGE, George Louis
Rare first edition of woodworker’s manual
BERGERON, [Louis-Eloy] [but Louis-Georges-Isaac SALIVET]
A guide to sailing to Jamaica
GAULD, George
Rare sailing directions for the Eastern Seaboard
WALKER, George
The first scientific analysis of the American Southwest
HUMBOLDT, Alexander von [and] Aime J.A. BONPLAND