Map detailing the Bordeaux Wine Classification of 1855
Carte Vinicole du Département de la Gironde
dressée sur la données de Mr Duffour Dubergier Président de la Cambre du Commerce de Bordeaux par Unal Serres Dessinateur Géomètre de la Ville de Bordeaux.
P. Chaumas Libraire Proprre. Editeur Fossés du Chapeau rouge 34,
Hand-coloured lithograph map, dissected and mounted on linen, inset plans of the Médoc, the white wine region, key to map lower right, and table of wine classifications lower left.
950 by 820mm (37.5 by 32.25 inches).
Large and detailed plan of the 1855 Bordeaux wine classification.
The Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855 resulted from the 1855 Exposition Universelle de Paris, when Emperor Napoleon III requested a classification system for France's best Bordeaux wines which were to be on display for visitors from around the world. Brokers from the wine industry ranked the wines according to a château's reputation and trading price, which at that time was directly rel...
The Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855 resulted from the 1855 Exposition Universelle de Paris, when Emperor Napoleon III requested a classification system for France's best Bordeaux wines which were to be on display for visitors from around the world. Brokers from the wine industry ranked the wines according to a château's reputation and trading price, which at that time was directly rel...
BL Cartographic Items Maps 5.b.10.