Knipe’s detailed geological map of the British Isles with part of France
Geological Map of the British Isles
and Part of France. Rivers and Canals, Railways and Principal Roads, and Sites of the Minerals. Under the Patronage of Prince Albert, to whom This Map is by express Permission Humbly Dedicated.
Published for the Proprietor by H. Baillière, 219 Regent St and Grant & Griffith St Pauls Churchyard (Late Harris),
Engraved map, dissected and mounted on linen, fine original hand-colour, edged in green silk, folding into blue morocco slipcase, with Prince Albert's coat-of-arms and title on the upper cover, gilt.
1575 by 1300mm. (62 by 51.25 inches).
One of the first geological maps of the British Isles on a uniform scale and key.
The map provides a wealth of geological information supplied by the extensive index and notes located at the bottom left-corner. Knipe has also included a number of cross-sections from various locations in France and the British Isles on the map: 'Section from London to Essex', 'From Hindhead to Tucksbury Hill', 'From Roundhill near Bath to Charhill Hill near Calne', 'Bristol coalfi...
The map provides a wealth of geological information supplied by the extensive index and notes located at the bottom left-corner. Knipe has also included a number of cross-sections from various locations in France and the British Isles on the map: 'Section from London to Essex', 'From Hindhead to Tucksbury Hill', 'From Roundhill near Bath to Charhill Hill near Calne', 'Bristol coalfi...