Gyger’s rare map of the Canton of Zurich: “the earliest relief map in existence”
Nova descriptio ditionis Tigurinae, regionumq[ue] finitimarum = Neüe Beschreibung der Landschafft Zürich.
Hans Georg Gyger,
Woodcut map on six sheets joined, hand-coloured in outline.
930 by 980mm (36.5 by 38.5 inches).
Large and detailed map of the Canton of Zurich.
Hans Conrad Gyger (1599-1674) was the leading Swiss cartographer of the seventeenth century. He originally trained under the glass painter and draughtsman Josias Murer (1564-1630). He became interested in cartography, and produced ten military maps of the Zurich countryside between 1644 and 1660. His most important work, which took some 38 years to complete, was a map of the Canton of Zurich upon a scale of 1:32,000. He ...
Hans Conrad Gyger (1599-1674) was the leading Swiss cartographer of the seventeenth century. He originally trained under the glass painter and draughtsman Josias Murer (1564-1630). He became interested in cartography, and produced ten military maps of the Zurich countryside between 1644 and 1660. His most important work, which took some 38 years to complete, was a map of the Canton of Zurich upon a scale of 1:32,000. He ...
Eduard Imhof, Cartographic Relief Presentation (ESRI Press: Redlands, 2007), 7; Samuel Wyder and Hans-Uli Feldmann, "Die Karten der Schweiz (1620-1657) von Hans Conrad Gyger" Cartographica Helvetica 43 (2011): 3-18.