George Bauerkeller’s rare and strikingly modern plan of Paris
Nouveau Plan de Paris en Relief.
Par le procédé de Géomontographie Bauerkeller, Breveté. 1842 4eme Edition.
Baukeller & Cie Brevetés,
Embossed chromolithograph plan.
690 by 550mm (27.25 by 21.75 inches).
This strikingly modern plan of Paris was published by the German Georg Bauerkeller in 1842. The plan is printed in 12 colours. The buildings shown in white relief, with major public buildings highlighted in red. To the left of the plan is a brief explanation, which states that the Arrondissements are are represented by a different colours and marked by Roman numerals, with the 48 quarters picked out in Arab numerals.
Little is known about the Bauerkeller cartogra...
Little is known about the Bauerkeller cartogra...