A superb matched pair of English Regency period terrestrial and celestial globes
Cary's New Terrestrial Globe; Cary's New and Improved Celestial Globe
Cary's New Terrestrial Globe Exhibiting the Tracks and Discoveries made by Captain Cook; also those by Captain Vancouver on the North-West Coast of America, and M. de la Perouse on the Coast of Tartary -- Cary's New and Improved Celestial Globe, on which is carefully laid down the Whole of the Stars and Nebulae contained in the Astronomical Catalogue of the Rev'd Mr Wollaston, F.R.S. Compiled from the authorities of Flamsteed, De La Caille, Hevelius with an extensive number from the Works of Miss Herschel. The whole adapted to the year 1800 And the limits of each Constellation determined by a Boundary Line
John and William Cary,
1815, 1819.
Diameter of spheres: 53.5 cm. (21 inches); covered with two sets of 18 engraved paper gores, from the equator to the poles. The graduated brass meridian circle is set in a wooden horizon ring, with engraved paper surface containing: amplitude and azimuth; abbreviations for wind directions; zodiac symbols; calendar with names for months. The horizon ring, meridian circle and sphere are within a Sheridan circular mahogany frieze with three turned, tapering reeded legs with brass caps and castors; joined by an Y-shaped stretcher, centered by a circular brass compass with original needles and engraved paper dial. (The pair is in fine, original condition with only a few faint signs of rubbing.)
John Cary, the elder (1755-1835) was a prominent English cartographer, engraver, globe maker and publisher. With his brother William, J. & W. Cary was among the most successful of the thriving London map, globe and instrument trade of their day. This, their largest pair of globes, is finely engraved and hand-coloured as issued.
The terrestrial sphere shows the routes of the eighteenth century circumnavigators and explorers of the north Pacific, James Cook and his...
The terrestrial sphere shows the routes of the eighteenth century circumnavigators and explorers of the north Pacific, James Cook and his...
Fordham, John Cary, Engraver Globe-Maker 1754 to 1835, pp. xxi-xxvii. Kanas, Star Maps, p. 233. Krogt, Old Globes, Car. 12 Terr.; Car. 13 Cel. (later ed.). Oxford Companion to World Exploration, v. 1, pp. 349-50. Tooley, Dictionary of Mapmakers v.1, p. 239. [This size and edition of Cary globes is not in: Younge, Catalogue of Early Globes Made Prior to 1850 and Conserved in the United States.]