Skating on the Amstel
Winter Vreugde op den Amftel en't gaan des Ysbreekers en der Waterfchuiten.
Petrus Schenk,
Etching and engraving on two sheets joined.
A large winter scene from the Amstel dike towards Weesp.
The scene is replete with a wealth of activity on the frozen water, with among other things skaters, carriages, sledges, a cafe on the ice, andmost notably a horse-drawn icebreaker. The icebreakers kept the Amstel open by order of the beer brewers to provide for fresh drinking water from the Vecht river.
At bottom left and right descriptions in Dutch and French about the icebreakers. On the far left is the entrance to the 'Oliphantspad'; to the right the 'Lokhorst' and the tavern the 'Ysbreker''.
The engraver of the work is unknown, however, the piece was sometimes bound into the 'Theatrum Machinarum …' by Tieleman van der Horst, which was published by Pieter Schenk in 1739. Tieleman van der Horst was an eighteenth century Dutch civil engineer.
The scene is replete with a wealth of activity on the frozen water, with among other things skaters, carriages, sledges, a cafe on the ice, andmost notably a horse-drawn icebreaker. The icebreakers kept the Amstel open by order of the beer brewers to provide for fresh drinking water from the Vecht river.
At bottom left and right descriptions in Dutch and French about the icebreakers. On the far left is the entrance to the 'Oliphantspad'; to the right the 'Lokhorst' and the tavern the 'Ysbreker''.
The engraver of the work is unknown, however, the piece was sometimes bound into the 'Theatrum Machinarum …' by Tieleman van der Horst, which was published by Pieter Schenk in 1739. Tieleman van der Horst was an eighteenth century Dutch civil engineer.
Bierens de Haan 4840.