Rare Prints

We offer a selection of travel and topographical prints, with a particular emphasis on rare prints of London, as well as a selection of fine art prints by artists such as Canaletto, Dürer, and Piranesi.


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(427 results)

Johannes Schoner

BRY, Theodor de

Jan Huyghen van Linschoten

BRY, Theodor de

Simon Grynaeus

H[ONDIUS], H[endrik]

Sebastian Münster

H[ONDIUS, Hendrik]

The celebrated double-portrait of Gerard Mercator and Jodocus Hondius

MERCATOR, Gerardus; and Henricus HONDIUS

Jan Huyghen van Linschoten

BRY, Theodor de

London before the Great Fire

SCOLARI, Stefano

The twelve months

HOLLAR, W[enceslaus]

The Strasbourg Views

HOLLAR, W[enceslaus]

Views of German towns

HOLLAR, Wencesla[us]

Giovanni Antonio Magini

DAVID, Jerome