Trinity House
By GRIBELIN, S[imon] , 1696

An Almes-House at Mile-End near London belonging to Trinity-House. The View of an Almes=house, Built by the Corporation of Trinity=house in the year 1696, at Mile=end near London, wherein Twenty eight decay'd Masters of Ships and Pylots, or the Widows of Such, are by the said Corporation maintain'd; As are Fifty nine Persons more of the Like quality, at Deptford in Kent, and Six more at the Dogron.

British Isles London
  • Author: GRIBELIN, S[imon]
  • Publication date: [1696-1722].
  • Physical description: Engraving.
  • Dimensions: Image: 386 by 600mm (15.25 by 23.5 inches). Sheet: 445 by 630mm (17.5 by 24.75 inches).
  • Inventory reference: 12346


Trinity House is a maritime fraternity established in 1514, in order to regulate navigation on the River Thames. Their remit expanded to mariners in general, and they had a strong charitable arm, setting up lighthouses and building almshouses. The almshouses shown in the print were built in 1695 to accommodate "decay'd masters of ships and pylots", or their widows, who had fallen on hard times. As well as accommodation, they were given money and coals.

Simon Gribelin (1661-1733) was a French Huguenot engraver, whose family fled to England to escape persecution.


  1. BM 1880,1113.5116
  2. London Metropolitan Archives SC/GL/WAK/S3/MIL/P5414315.

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