Bowles's attractive pocket plan of London
By BOWLES, Carington , 1779

Bowles's Reduced New Pocket Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster with the Borough of Southwark, exhibiting the New Buildings to the Year 1779.

British Isles London
  • Author: BOWLES, Carington
  • Publication place: London
  • Publisher: Printed for Carington Bowles, at his Map & Print Warehouse, No.69 in St. Paul's Church Yard
  • Publication date: 1779.
  • Physical description: Engraved plan, original hand-colour in outline, list of churches and principal buildings, below, dissected and mounted on linen, housed within original red marbled paper slipcase, with publisher's label, rubbed.
  • Dimensions: 390 by 550mm (15.25 by 21.75 inches).
  • Inventory reference: 1690


Below the plan is a nine column reference table listing 99 churches and 60 principal buildings. Bowles also gives a detailed explanation on how to use the plan’s grid reference:

“The Plan is divided on the four Sides into Miles and half Miles: And for the easier finding the Buildings referred to in the above Table, every Division of the half Mile, at the Top and Bottom of the Plan, is markt with a Capital Letter of the Alphabet from A to K and on the Sides with small Letters from l to q – Suppose you want to look for the Royal Exchange; the Table shews that e in the Reference thereto, that it is situated in Cornhill, and is to be found in the Square formed by the extreme Lines of G and n”.

As well as the Hospitals and Public Buildings, Bowles marks on the plan other places of interest. One of particular note is the ‘Dog and Duck’ in St. George’s Field. This inn had by the mid-eighteenth century turned itself into a fashionable place at which to take the”medicinal waters”. An advertisement of 1773 outlines their curative properties:

“St. George’s Spaw (sic), Dog and Duck, St. George’s Fields. The Waters of this Spaw are now in their utmost perfection, and to be had at 6d. per gallon … These waters are recommended by the most eminent physicians, for the cure of the rheumatism, stone, gravel, fistulas, ulcers, cancers, sore eyes, and in all kinds of scorbutic cases whatever; and are remarkable for restoring a lost appetite . . . A cold bath from the above mineral. The long room fitted up for large entertainments. Tea, coffee and hot rolls as usual.”


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