Imago Mundi No. 35
Imago Mundi No. 35
- Author: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Cartography
- Publication place: Lympne Castle, Kent,
- Publisher: Imago Mundi Ltd.
- Publication date: 1983.
- Physical description: Hardcover, bound in blue cloth, 144 pages.
Articles include:
'Some early Italian epidemiological maps', Saul Jarcho; 'A comparative study of two Dutch maps, preserved in the Tokyo National Museum - Joan Blaeu's wall map of the world in two hemispheres, 1648 and its revision ca. 1678 by N. Visscher', Minako Debergh; 'The first official maps of Maine and Massachusetts', Susan L. Danforth; 'Time and cost of copperplate engraving - illustrated by early nineteenth century maps from the Viennese firm Artaria & co.', Johannes Dorflinger; 'The Royal Geographical Society's membership, the map trade, and geographical publishing in Britain 1830 to ca. 1930: An introductory essay with listing of some fellows in related professions', Francis Herbert; 'New Zealand historical map collections', P. L. Barton; 'The state map collection in Prague', Ivan Kupcik. - Inventory reference: 2015
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