Rare pilot of the British and Irish coasts
The Complete British and Irish Coasting Pilot Being a Set of New and Accurate Coasting Charts... A New Edition arranged and improved by J.W. Norie, Hydrographer...
- Author: NORIE, John William
- Publication place: London,
- Publisher: Printed for, and Published by J.W. Norie & Co., No.157 Leadenhall Street,
- Publication date: 1838.
- Physical description: Folio, (675 by 455mm), title, list of contents, 17 engraved charts, on 27 sheets, of which 9 are folding, by William Heather and J.W. Norrie, and David Steele, all corrected and revised by J.W. Norrie, all mounted on guards, scientific instrument maker's label of J.R. & H. Stebbing of Southampton to upper paste down, contemporary half calf, marbled paper boards, rebacked.
- Inventory reference: 11920
Rare coasting pilot of the British and Irish coasts.
John William Norie (1772 – 1843) was a mathematician, hydrographer, chart maker and publisher of nautical books. His most famous work was the 'Epitome of Practical Navigation' (1805), which became the standard work on navigation and went through many editions. Norie began his career working with William Heather, who ran the Naval Academy and Naval Warehouse in Leadenhall Street from 1795, which sold navigational instruments, charts, and books on navigation. Norie took over the Naval Warehouse after Heather's retirement and founded the company J.W. Norie and Company in 1813. After Norie's death the company became Norie and Wilson, then in 1903 Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson.
Working pilots such as this are extremely rare. We are only able to trace one institutional copy - Newberry Library, Chicago, which although bears the same title-page, the charts bear dates of between 1833 to 1841. The charts in the present work bear dates from 1815 to 1838.
List of Charts
1. STEEL, David. Steel's New Chart of Great Britain and France... New edition 1833. 3 sheets.
2. NORIE, John William....This Chart of the English Channel... New edition 1833 corrected 1838. 3 sheets.
3. NORIE, John William. A New and Correct Chart of the Downs. Corrected to 1838.
4. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of part of the South Coast of England... Additions to 1836. 2 sheets.
5. HEATHER, William... This Chart of Plymouth Sound;... the Race of Portland;... Falmouth and Helford. 3 charts on one map sheet. Additions to 1838.
6. NORIE, John William. J. W. Norie's New and Improved Chart of the Scilly Isles. 1815.
7. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of Bristol Channel. Corrected to 1838. 2 sheets.
8. NORIE, John William. Chart of St George's Channel. Corrected to 1836. 2 sheets.
9. HEATHER, William. A New Chart of the South Coast of Ireland. Additions to 1836. 2 sheets.
10. HEATHER, William. A New Chart of the West Coast of Ireland. Additions to 1833.
11. HEATHER, William. A New Chart of the North Coast of Ireland. Additions to 1836.
12. NORIE, John William. A New and Improved Chart of the Hebrides or Lewis Islands. Additions to 1834. 2 sheets.
13. HEATHER, William. Heather's New and Improved Chart of the Orkney Isles. Additions to 1831.
14. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of the North Sea. Additions to 1838. 2 sheets.
15. HEATHER, William.... Chart of the East Coast of England and Scotland... Additions to 1834.
16. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of the East Coast of England. Additions to 1838.
17. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of the Entrances to the River Thames. Corrected to 1838.
John William Norie (1772 – 1843) was a mathematician, hydrographer, chart maker and publisher of nautical books. His most famous work was the 'Epitome of Practical Navigation' (1805), which became the standard work on navigation and went through many editions. Norie began his career working with William Heather, who ran the Naval Academy and Naval Warehouse in Leadenhall Street from 1795, which sold navigational instruments, charts, and books on navigation. Norie took over the Naval Warehouse after Heather's retirement and founded the company J.W. Norie and Company in 1813. After Norie's death the company became Norie and Wilson, then in 1903 Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson.
Working pilots such as this are extremely rare. We are only able to trace one institutional copy - Newberry Library, Chicago, which although bears the same title-page, the charts bear dates of between 1833 to 1841. The charts in the present work bear dates from 1815 to 1838.
List of Charts
1. STEEL, David. Steel's New Chart of Great Britain and France... New edition 1833. 3 sheets.
2. NORIE, John William....This Chart of the English Channel... New edition 1833 corrected 1838. 3 sheets.
3. NORIE, John William. A New and Correct Chart of the Downs. Corrected to 1838.
4. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of part of the South Coast of England... Additions to 1836. 2 sheets.
5. HEATHER, William... This Chart of Plymouth Sound;... the Race of Portland;... Falmouth and Helford. 3 charts on one map sheet. Additions to 1838.
6. NORIE, John William. J. W. Norie's New and Improved Chart of the Scilly Isles. 1815.
7. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of Bristol Channel. Corrected to 1838. 2 sheets.
8. NORIE, John William. Chart of St George's Channel. Corrected to 1836. 2 sheets.
9. HEATHER, William. A New Chart of the South Coast of Ireland. Additions to 1836. 2 sheets.
10. HEATHER, William. A New Chart of the West Coast of Ireland. Additions to 1833.
11. HEATHER, William. A New Chart of the North Coast of Ireland. Additions to 1836.
12. NORIE, John William. A New and Improved Chart of the Hebrides or Lewis Islands. Additions to 1834. 2 sheets.
13. HEATHER, William. Heather's New and Improved Chart of the Orkney Isles. Additions to 1831.
14. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of the North Sea. Additions to 1838. 2 sheets.
15. HEATHER, William.... Chart of the East Coast of England and Scotland... Additions to 1834.
16. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of the East Coast of England. Additions to 1838.
17. NORIE, John William. A New Chart of the Entrances to the River Thames. Corrected to 1838.
Trade label of Joseph Rankin Stebbing (1810-1874) one of the leading scientific instrument makers working Southampton. He would later become mayor of Southampton. The label reads: 'J. R. H. Stebbing, Opticians & Mathematical Instrument Makers to T.R.H. Duches of Kent and Princess Victoria, 47 High Street, Southampton. Manufacturers of Patent Windlasses & Winches, Brass Ornamental fittings &c. for Yachts and other vessels'.
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