Rare Atlas of the Mediterranean
By JANSSONIUS, Johannes , 1654

Descriptio Maris Mediterranei, per tabulas hydrographicas & geographicas, A Gibraltar per Sinus Hispaniae, Galliae ac Regni Neapolitani ad Sinum Jaffae. Simul exhibens Mare Venetum, Sinus Puliae, Venetiae, Istriae, Sclavoniae, Graeciae ad Constantinopolim, ac littora Levanti & Barbariae: Additasque complectens Omnes Isulas, ut Ivicam, Majorcam, Minorcam, Corsicam, Sardiniam, Siciliam, Maltam, Corcyram Cephalenian, Zante, omnes Archipelagi Insulas, Candiam & Cyprim, adjectis praecipuis portubus ac stationibus. Omniahaec ad vivum curiose expressa sunt primum generali, deinde speciali tabula, adjunctis omnibus mutationibus, cursibus ac distantiis, atque ita ordinata, ut pleraque loca duce Italica ac Hollandica pixidula nautica peti possint. Commonstrat una haec Descriptio modum, quo ad urbes his Sinibus vicinas e Hollandia terra perveniatur. Adonata ac composita Ex accuratissima observatione expertissimorum Gubernatorum.

  • Author: JANSSONIUS, Johannes
  • Publisher: Amsterdam, Joannes Janssonius,
  • Publication date: 1654.
  • Physical description: Folio atlas (440 by 330mm), title, 6pp. text, list of charts, 25 (of 26) engraved charts and maps (of which one is full page and two folding - lacking the general chart of the Mediterranean), tear to upper part of title-page, speckled calf, spine in eight compartments, separated by raised bands, gilt, with red morocco lebel lettered in gilt.
  • Inventory reference: 1106


For this atlas Jansson re-issued Barentsz's charts of the Mediterranean together with maps from his Atlas Novus. The Barentsz charts were first issued by in 1595 as part of his seminal Mediterranean Pilot, they were subsequently republished by Jansson in 1626. In the present work the plates have been heavily reworked with new titles added, and many of the decorative compass roses and ships removed. Of the remaining charts the most important is that of the eastern Mediterranean: 'Paskaarte van't oostelijscke...'. This rare chart - engraved by Abraham Goos - only appears in the present work, and is not recorded in Zacharakis.

We are unaware of a copy of this atlas coming up for sale in the last 30 years.


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