Mapping London, Oxo Tower Wharf

Daniel Crouch Rare Books presents exhibition as part of the programme for Totallly Thames.

London-based dealer Daniel Crouch Rare Books is hosting a pop-up selling exhibition at the OXO Gallery. Highlights include Braun and Hogenberg’s first ever map from 1574 and a rare map of London by Thomas Porter. Published in the 1650s during the reign of Oliver Cronwell, it illustrates the role of the Thames as the city’s backbone showing the grand houses and teeming wharves along its course.

The exhibition also features London maps from the present day by contemporary cartographer artist Stephen Walter who has charted the buried rivers, Tube lines, bunkers, sewers, government tunnels and other subterranean secrets of the capital, including mysterious and underworld elements, such as unsolved murders, ley lines and pagan burial sites. The exhibition forms part of the 2014 programme for Totally Thames.