The first English Guide Book to the Continent
The post for diuers partes of the world
to trauaile from one notable Citie unto an other, with a description of the antiquitie of diuers famous Cities in Europe.
Thomas East,
8to (140 by 93 mm), title within typographic ornamental border, woodcut initials. (Lacks second part [8 leaves], clean tear to fol. F1.), 19th-century half brown morocco and marbled boards, spine in black morocco gilt-lettered.
FIRST EDITION. The author states in his preface that the work is an expanded translation from the German, and that his text was also published in French and Italian.
STC 21360.
Provenance: Ashburnham, Bertram, Fourth earl of (1797-1878, small wax seal on front paste-down); Sir Thomas Phillipps (note on front paste-down and binding); William P. Davisson (his sale, Christie's New York, 19 April 1999, lot 308).