Ships Log of the East Indiaman Monarch for 1847
A Journal of The Proceedings on Board the E.I.S. Monarch
From the Port of London to Calcutta and back Commanded by Capt. G. G. Weller Commencing July 23rd 1847. Kept By Edwd. H Hatchett Midshipman.
Printed for and Published By, Charles Wilson, (Late J.W. Norie & Wilson,) Bookseller and Publsiher, and Chartseller to the Admiralty, The Honourable East India Comapny, and Corporation of the Trinity House; at His Navigation Warehouse and Naval Academy, No. 157, leadenhall Street, Near the Royal Exchange,
Folio (330 by 210mm), title, list of crew, passengers, births and deaths during voyage, 60 fl. journal of the outward bound and return journey, each leaf with printed table for the noting of course and daily remarks, dimensions of the ship, contemporary vellum over boards, soiled.
The journal was kept by Edward Hatchett, midshipman, commences with a list of the 88 strong crew & 252 passengers (mainly military), and with the usual record of the weather, sail settings, duties and passing ships. He also records: births and deaths on board; passengers wearing shoes made of sail-canvas and pump leather supplied by the sail-maker and carpenter; and the captain relieving the ship's doctor, Peter Thompson, of his duties because of his continued drunkeness.
They embarked from London on 23rd July 1847 arriving in Calcutta on November 22nd after a voyage of four months; on the 15th of January they embarked passengers for the return journey, including 129 men, 7 women, and 11 children. They experienced severe gales on the return journey with an 18 year old midshipman being killed by falling from the mizen-mast. At the end of the journal is a table detailing the dimensions of the ship, including the masts and sails.
They embarked from London on 23rd July 1847 arriving in Calcutta on November 22nd after a voyage of four months; on the 15th of January they embarked passengers for the return journey, including 129 men, 7 women, and 11 children. They experienced severe gales on the return journey with an 18 year old midshipman being killed by falling from the mizen-mast. At the end of the journal is a table detailing the dimensions of the ship, including the masts and sails.