Rare pamphlet to accompany Gauld’s chart of the Florida coast
An Accurate Survey of the Coast of Florida...
wherein is laid down the Reefs, Shoals, &c. On that Dangerous Coast, in the Navigation from Jamaica, West Florida, and the River Mississippi.
Kingston, Jamaica:
Re-printed by Ann Woolhead, in Harbour-Street,
16 pp. 8vo pamphlet (154 by 95mm). Early wrappers. Mild soiling to wrappers and first and last leaves, faint red penciling to upper wrapper.
A pre-publication pamplet published by a woman in Jamaica. George Gauld was a Scottish military surveyor working for the British Admiralty. From 1764 to 1781 he charted the difficult waters off the Gulf Coast of West Florida. Some of his surveys were published by J.F.W. Des Barres in the Atlantic Neptune, but the continuation of his work was hampered during the Revolutionary War due to the activity of American privateers. Gauld was finally captured after the siege of Pensac...
See Ware, George Gauld, Surveyor and Cartographer of the Gulf Coast, 1982. Not recorded in the standard bibliographies.