Eigendlicher abriss der Stadt Pilsen in Böhmen wie dieselbige den 11/21 Novemb. Anno 1618 Belägert
Engraved map on two sheets joined.
510 by 530mm. (20 by 20.75 inches).
The Protestant (Hussite) nobility of Bohemia were challenged by the staunchly Catholic Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, Crown Prince of Bohemia, who wanted to restore religious uniformity throughout his lands. A meeting between representatives of the Hussites and the Emperor ended in the Defenestration of Prague, where Ferdinand's representatives were unceremoniously thrown out of a third floor window, and Bohemia rose in revolt. The Bohemian Revolt would became the Thirty...
Brown University, Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, previously the Leichtenstein-Hauslab Collection.