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New York
PO Box 329, Larchmont, NY, USA
Opening hours, London Gallery
Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday: by appointment
Closed: all bank holidays and 1-31 August
Opening hours, New York
By appointment only
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A First Look At The Winter Show
NEW YORK CITY – Diversity has long been the watchword of the Winter Show, which this year signaled its inclusiveness in ever more ways. The fair, which previewed on January 23 and continues at the Park Avenue Armory through February 2, has always favored quality over quantity, seeking to offer the best of the best from the ancient to the contemporary. If anything, it was even broader this year.

Benefiting East Side House Settlement, the show directed by Helen Allen and co-chaired by Lucinda C. Ballard and Michael R. Lynch strengthened its embrace of contemporary material, if only by a smidgeon. It dropped the word “antiques” from its title. Among a handful of new exhibitors, New York dealer Pavel Zoubok featured witty, high-art interpretations of traditional furniture forms by contemporary makers. Similarly playful, the deceptively simple paintings of contemporary Louisiana artist Andrew LaMar Hopkins, whose detailed depictions of Creole New Orleans interiors reference history in ways fascinating to students of design, starred at Elle Shushan Portrait Miniatures.
Find Us
New York
PO Box 329, Larchmont, NY, USA
Opening hours, London Gallery
Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday: by appointment
Closed: all bank holidays and 1-31 August
Opening hours, New York
By appointment only