Ships on the Thames
By WOOD, Joseph , 1754

To the Right Honble. Philip Earl of Hardwicke, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and one of the Fellows of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies &c, &c. This South East View of the City of London, Engrav'd from a very Antient Picture is humbly inscribed by his Lordships most Dutiful most Obedient & Devoted Servant, J. Grove.

British Isles London
  • Author: WOOD, Joseph
  • Publication place: London,
  • Publisher: J. Grove,
  • Publication date: 1754.
  • Physical description: Engraved print.
  • Dimensions: 360 by 580mm. (14.25 by 22.75 inches).
  • Inventory reference: 12340


A print of ships on the Thames.

It is dedicated to Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke, the former Lord Chancellor and politician who had helped the Duke of Newcastle become Prime Minister the same year this print was made, and was rewarded with an earldom as a result.


  1. BL Maps K.Top.21.58.

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