Moll's striking map of Scotland
By MOLL, Herman , 1714

The North Part of Great Britain Called Scotland. with Considerable Improvements and many Remarks not Extant in any Map. According to the Newest and Exact Observations

British Isles Scotland
  • Author: MOLL, Herman
  • Publication date: 1714.
  • Physical description: Double-page engraved map with spectacular full original wash colour.
  • Dimensions: 610 by 1015mm. (24 by 40 inches).
  • Inventory reference: 11374


Moll's large-format map of Scotland from a 1715, first issue of "The World Described", a collection of thirty large, double-sided maps. Flanked by a chart of the Orkneys and Shetlands, and eleven views of Scottish cities, engraved by John Kip.

Moll was very political and often used the blank areas of his large-format maps to express his views, for example his dislike of the Dutch & French, especially their mapmakers. (See MapForum.Com: Issue 6, Treacle & Vinegar). Here his target is not foreigners (Moll was a German emigré!), but the failure to capitalise on Scotland's resources. He marks the fishing grounds and states "if things were rightly managed, there would be no reason to go to Norway for wood or New-found-land for fish; seeing North Britain can Plentifully furnish us with both".

