M is for Metal Worker
By CHALMERS, George; and ROBINSON , 1773

Chalmers & Robinson Jewellers & Goldsmith, - Make & Sell all Sorts of Jewellers work Funeral & Motto Rings, &c Likewise Sell all Sorts of Plate, Watches, Silver Plated, Steel & Metal Buckles, Combs, Cutlery, Hardware, Spectacles, Rules, Mathematical Instruments, &c. NB Buys Jewels, Old Gold & Silver Watches, Old Lace &c

  • Author: CHALMERS, George; and ROBINSON
  • Publication place: London,
  • Publisher: At the Golden Spectacles, in Sidneys Alley, Leicester Fields,
  • Publication date: [from 1773]
  • Physical description: Engraved trade card, loss to lower right and upper corners.
  • Dimensions: 200 by 155mm. (7.75 by 6 inches).
  • Inventory reference: 17849


Opulent trade card in the highest rococo style, the asymmetrical cartouche dripping with all examples of a wide range of Chalmers and Robins's wares: dividers, rulers, telescopes, cups, ink wells, jugs, jewels, coffee pots, spectacles, cutlery, cruets, fobs, buckles, rings, platter and pendants.

There are three trade cards in Heal collection for Chalmers & Robinson, giving their addresses as at the Ring & Cup in Walkers Court, Berwick Street, Soho, from 1760; the Sidney Alley address, as here, from 1773, as it is a corner location, is the same building as No.1 Princes Street, which was used until 1783 by the company, and until 1793, by Chalmers alone.


  1. BM Heal 67.75