Richmond Palace
By HOLLAR, W[enceslaus] , 1638


  • 作者: HOLLAR, W[enceslaus]
  • 出版地: [London],
  • 发布日期: 1638
  • 物理描述: Etched view on one sheet, trimmed to platemark.
  • 方面: 115 by 340mm. (4.5 by 13.5 inches).
  • 库存参考: 18294


Constructed in 1501 by Henry VII, Richmond Palace was one of the favoured a royal residences on the Thames in England, situated just nine miles (14 km) to the south-west of Westminster, but still in what was then a rural area. It was the preferred home of Elizabeth I, who died there in 1603, and it remained a in use as a residence of the monarchs until the death of Charles I in 1649. Within a few months of his decapitation, Parliament ordered the survey and sale of Richmond Palace, which fetched £13,000. Over the following decade it was largely demolished, with the building materials re-used in other minor projects.

The present view of Richmond shows the cupola-topped towers of the Palace from across the Thames. Surroundings include a walled garden, square barn, fields, houses and a church tower. In the foreground a large group are embarking from a barge on the river; it is made up of King Charles II, Queen Henrietta Maria, and their three children, along with five attendants. There are a number of other indistinguishable figures on the far bank and rowing on the Thames.


  1. NHG Hollar 259
  2. Pennington 1058
  3. BM Q,6.54.