

Frieze Masters Virtual Tour – The Mapping of the World

A journey through 500 years of cartography, art, and science.


Unlocking the Secrets of Time: The San Zeno Calendar and the Astronomicum Caesareum


Delve into the fascinating stories behind two significant timekeeping objects between the Middle Ages and Renaissance



Born in Saxony as Peter Bienewitz, he studied at the University of Leipzig from 1516 to 1519, where he adopted the Latinised version of his German name, Petrus Apianus. In 1519, he moved to Vienna, where he was part of the second Vienna school of cartography, which included Georgius Tannstetter and Johannes Cuspinianus. He then moved again to Landshut, where he produced the Cosmographicus liber in 1524, an extremely popular work on astronomy and navigation which underwent thirty reprints. Based on Ptolemy, it contains paper instruments called volvelles, which Apianus would use so effectively in his work that they are sometimes known as Apian wheels.
