An Italian Variant of Aveline's view of London
By [Anonymous] , 1650

Londra Capitale d'Inghilterra, e Residenza del Ré.

British Isles London
  • 作者: [Anonymous]
  • 出版地: [Italy],
  • 发布日期: [c. 1690].
  • 物理描述: Copper engraving.
  • 方面: Image: 212 by 316mm (8.25 by 12.5 inches). Sheet: 288 by 391mm (11.25 by 15.5 inches).
  • 库存参考: 12422


An Italian view of the River Thames and the London skyline from a viewpoint above Southwark. The image is one of a number of derivatives of Pierre Aveline's prospect. The text underneath gives the reader information about London and England in general. The English have beautiful women ("le donne sono bellissime") and the aristocracy is interested in science ("inclinata alle Scienze") but the lower classes are insolent and volatile ("insolenti e volubili"), and the country is full of heretical sects.

