Imago Mundi No. 33
Imago Mundi No. 33
- 作者: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Cartography
- 出版地: Lympne Castle, Kent,
- 出版商: Imago Mundi Ltd.
- 发布日期: 1981.
- 物理描述: Hardcover, bound in blue cloth, 135 pages.
Articles include:
'The investigation of a group of globes', A. D. Baynes-Cope; 'Note on radiocarbon of the Ambassadors' globe', Richard Burleigh; 'Projections for the large general maps of Britain, 1583-1700', William Ravenhill; 'The map trade in Paris', 1650-1825', Mary Sponberg Pedley; 'Alexander Dalrymple's 'A collection of plans of ports in the East Indies' (1774-1775): A preliminary examination', Andrew S. Cook; 'The first Austrian world atlases: Schrambl and Reilly', Johannes Dorflinger; 'Erhard Etzlaub's 'Rom Weg' map - A postscript', Tony Campbell; 'Russian manuscript maps of the Dnieper area, 1730-1760', Boris G. Galkovich; 'The origin of the cartographical symbol representing desert areas', Kazutaka Unno; 'The latitude scale on a late sixteenth century chart', Frank George; 'Behaim's globe and 'Mandeville's travels'', C. W. R. D. Moseley; 'Walsperger and his knowledge of the Patagonian giants, 1448', Paul Gallez. - 库存参考: 2013