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Frieze Masters Virtual Tour – The Mapping of the World
A journey through 500 years of cartography, art, and science.
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Frieze Masters Virtual Tour - The Mapping of the World
A journey through 500 years of cartography, art, and science.
阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆的维米尔展览汇集了有史以来最全的维米尔画作,全部 37 幅真迹中的 28 幅。 在展览早已盛况空前的情况下,古歷圖团队有幸获得了近距离观赏维米尔 17 世纪杰作的机会。
从古至今,几乎每个文明都会有游戏,无论是个人还是团队之间的力量或智慧的博弈,不管是为了娱乐或利益。 游戏为人类自然的竞争本能提供了一个释放空间,它使得多个参与者通过遵循一套规则竞相实现一个目标,来避免真正战争中的危险。 纵观历史,无论是在国际象棋中击败对手的国王,还是从橄榄球到牌类的各种游戏中的轮流攻防,都可以看出许多游戏都是战争和竞赛的缩影。
地图一直战争是不可缺少的工具。 清楚了解自己和敌人的领土可以让领导人和统治者在他们努力征服或保卫的土地周围制定战略、计划和安排资源。 在制图时,困难可能会变的显而易见,弱点也是如此。 在当今的实时地图世界中,从交通到旅行网络变化等内容的频繁更新也被军方利用。 出于这个原因,苹果和谷歌最近都禁用了乌克兰实时地图的更新,以防止该功能帮助俄罗斯入侵。
Sir Gregor MacGregor, the Cazique of Poyais
In 1820, self-proclaimed Scottish nobleman Gregor MacGregor launched one of the most audacious and elaborate frauds of all time, tricking thousands of Brits into investing in “Poyais”, a territory in Central America which turned out to be entirely fictional.
The Darién Scheme
Scotland’s one and only attempt at colonisation resulted in thousands of deaths and an economic disaster that paved the way for the 1707 Act of Union.
“Good country” (Stuart): hunting for the Australian wilderness
The history of colonial exploration in Australia has often been depicted as heroic drama, by turns a tale of extraordinary good luck and terrible tragedy; extremes of fortune mirrored by the landscape, in which either “undulating grazing country”, or “stony desert” may be around the next bend.
Contagious Cartography: A Panorama of Pandemics and Plagues
The vocabulary of disease runs parallel with the language of place and space. We talk of “spread”, “dispersal” and “distribution”, of “global” pandemics, and, however inaccurately, “The Spanish Flu” and the “China Virus”. Indeed, “The Plague of Athens” 430 BC is often cited as the earliest recorded epidemic (item 1). Our view of disease can appear decidedly geographic. The word “pandemic”, however, also has Greek origins, and comes from “Pan”, meaning “all” and “Demos”, meaning “people”. This points the finger in an altogether different direction. Whilst maps and data visualization can help us to track and understand disease, it is the actions of people that determine its cause, its dissemination, and its cure.
Heute Deutschland! Morgen die Welt!
“Heute Deutschland! Morgen die Welt!” – (Germany today! Tomorrow the world!) was a popular slogan among the Nazis during their rise to power, not disguising at all their plans for world domination. The scale of this ambition is visible in the detail and the efficiency of the cartography of the Third Reich, and was made explicit with a series of maps related to Germany’s projected global empire.
A composite atlas of Italy with the arms of the father of three kings of France
Louis, Dauphin of France was the only surviving son of King Louis XV and the father of three kings of France