在此浏览关于航海与大发现的稀有书籍与初版资料,包括哥伦布 (Columbus)、库克 (Cook)、达尔文 (Darwin)、德雷克 (Drake)、克鲁森施滕 (Krusenstern)、拉彼鲁兹 (La Perouse)、斯科特 (Scott) 和温哥华 (Vancouver) 等探险家的著作。
(65 结果)
Precipitous prospectus for Lewis and Clark’s monumental work,… a whole seven years before it was finally published
LEWIS, Meriwether; and William CLARK
A sea of stories
[COMMIN, Vincent, probable translator].
To Abraham Ortelius, “the most brilliant and best of good friends”
BRAUN, G[eorg]
Ortelius writes to his “most brilliant and dearest nephew”
ORTELIUS, Abra[ham]
“The first town plan of anywhere in the present- day United States”
HERRERA [Y TORDESILLAS], A de; [Jacob Le MAIRE; Willem CORNELIS SCHOUTEN; Giovanni Battista BOAZIO]; et al.
An album of engravings from the most famous natural history artists of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, collected and bound for an English patron
WOUTNEEL, Hans; Crispin de PASSE, the elder and younger; and VISSCHER, Claez Jansz, after Jacob and Joris HOEFNAGEL, Assuerus van LONDERSEEL, Nicolaes de BRUYN, and Adrian COLLAERT
The great costume book of pre-Commonwealth England
HOLLAR, Wenceslaus
The fashion bible
HOLLAR, Wenceslaus
Postmasters of the Empire…
Butterflies and insects
HOLLAR, Wenceslaus
Blaeu’s user’s manual for globes, spheres and sundials
BLAEU, Willem
Blaeu’s user’s manual for globes, spheres and sundials
BLAEU, Willem