

Events this summer feature dealers Serhat Ahmet and Lennox Cato.

Cecil Court ceramic dealer Serhat Ahmet will host an event at his London shop on May 12. Titled ‘Meissen, Sèvres and the World of European Porcelain’ the event is priced at £18 for BADA Friends members.

Later that month, on May 19, is a visit to Elton Hall which includes a tour of the Northamptonshire country estate and its treasure trove of objects from Pre-Raphaelite paintings to Henry VIII’s Prayer Book.

Furniture specialist Lennox Cato will be accompanying the selected group to talk about the William Beckford cabinets that are on display at the house. The event is priced at £50 for BADA Friends members which includes tea after the tour.

On June 8 a ‘Journey into the World of Rare and Beautiful Pieces from the 17th century until the present day’ will take place at Cave Decorative Arts in London, priced at £18.

In July, book dealer Daniel Crouch will hold a masterclass at his St James’s gallery. The event is £18 for members and will be held on July 13.

The group, formed in 1991, works with members of the public to support the work of BADA’s Cultural and Educational Trust and is focused on promoting learning and expertise in the fine art and antiques trade.

View more information about the events at https://www.bada.org/friends/friends-events.