Hungaria 896-1918
By The Hungarian Women's National Association , 1918

Hungaria 896-1918.

Eastern Europe Europe
  • 作者: The Hungarian Women's National Association
  • 出版商: Emich,
  • 发布日期: [1920].
  • 物理描述: Lithographed postcard with colour lithograph map, dissected in five pieces, four of which are moving. [now missing piece of Austria!]
  • 库存参考: 14305


An unusual and interesting postcard map of the Kingdom of Hungary, showing how it was divided by the Treaty of Trianon in 1920.

The Treaty of Trianon was imposed upon Hungary by the Allied powers after the First World War. The Kingdom of Hungary was half of the Austro-Hungarian empire, one of the principal combatants. The Treaty of Trianon reduced the area of the country by 71.4%, and its population by 64%. Hungarian leaders were forced to accept the Allied terms and did so under duress.

This drastic reordering of the area was driven by the principle of self-determination of peoples, in an attempt to give all non-Hungarians their own national states.

