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New York
PO Box 329, Larchmont, NY, USA
Opening hours, London Gallery
Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday: by appointment
Closed: all bank holidays and 1-31 August
Opening hours, New York
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Catalogue I: The Gestetner Collection of Maritime Atlases & Voyages
For our inaugural catalogue we are proud to offer the Gestetner Collection of maritime atlases and voyages. Undoubtedly one of the best libraries of sea atlases in private hands, the books are remarkable both for their exceptional quality and their rarity. The Gestetner family started building a collection of maritime atlases and voyages twenty years ago to celebrate their love of sailing and the many happy times they had spent together on their various boats, all named ‘Grumpy Skipper’.
- Inventory reference: 10020
Find Us
New York
PO Box 329, Larchmont, NY, USA
Opening hours, London Gallery
Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday: by appointment
Closed: all bank holidays and 1-31 August
Opening hours, New York
By appointment only